
Equipped With

64.75" x 50,000# Pro Eco Tension Level / Slitting Line
-Materials: Aluminum Alloys
-Incoming Coil Sizes:
Coil Outside Diameter: 36" Min - 103" Max.
Coil Weight: 50,000 lbs. Max.
Coil Width Before Slit: 29" Min. - 64.750" Max.
Coil Width After Slit: 28" Min. - 62.50" Max.
-Width Tolerances:
1/2 Comm Tolerance (+/-) Std Capability)
Over 24" thru 48" (0.02344")
Over 48" thru 60" (0.03125")
Over 60" (0.06250")
-Gauge Range: 0.006" - 0.063"
-Slitting Capacity:
Single Slit Width: 28" Min. - 62.50" Max.
Single Slit Gauge Range: 0.006" Min. - 0.063" Max.
-Side Trim Width Capability: 0.50" Min. - 2.25" Max.
-Mandrel Size:
Payoff I.D.: 16" + 1.25" / - 2.00"
20/24" + 0.5" / - 5.5"
Rewind I.D.: 16" + 0.0 / -0.75"
20/24" +/- 0.5"
-Line Speed: 0 - 2,000 FPM
-Tension Capabilities: 1% elongation on 58,000 psi yield at maximum
width of 62.5" and minimum gauge of 0.006"
-Line Direction: Right to Left
-Line is Installed